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Igor Ledochowski – Master Hypnotist

Igor Ledochowski – Who is Igor Ledochowski

The igor ledochowski has made a name for himself as a master hypnotist, NLP trainer and author. He is only 37 years old but he’s already achieved great fame. In addition to being an author, he is also a “Kenpo”, Martial artist, Lawyer, Mentor and Coach.

Igor’s success came very early. In his teens, he achieved a Black Belt of the Kenpo Martial Art in record time. He then opened two Kenpo schools, one at Exeter University and the other in Central London.

Igor, in his early twenties studied and earned an LLB in European Law. Then he attended Law School, and became a qualified lawyer. Igor began to be interested in techniques of accelerated learning as a way to enhance his academic performance. Igor’s interest in the brain led him to continue his studies. He was drawn to Eriksonian Hypnosis – a hypnosis technique pioneered and developed by Milton Erikson – widely regarded among hypnotists as being the best in the world.

Igor had been hooked. After leaving his law career, he sought the guidance of some of the most renowned hypnotists. In 2002, after a quick learning curve, he began pioneering Conversational Hypnosis. This system was used to place people into a covert hypnotic condition.

Igor is a revered guru today in the area of Conversational Hypnosis. This art involves hypnotising someone covertly by simply using conversation. If used correctly, you can influence someone else’s unconscious to make them do anything you wish – even without their knowledge.

Igor is the founder of the Training and Executive Coaching Consultancy ILEDO. Igor used NLP principles and hypnotic techniques to coach and train business leaders from leading organizations.

Igor runs Master Classes that train hypnotherapists on advanced techniques for professional hypnotherapy bodies, such as The London College of Clinical Hypnosis, or the Hypnotherapy Association. Igor is an active member of The British Society of Clinical Hypnosis.

Igor is also an expert in hypnotherapy, where he helped many people overcome their fears and phobias.

Igor is also a prolific writer and has recorded several home-study audio products about hypnosis. This often comes with criticisms from other experts, who feel that there’s a lot of secrecy surrounding many hypnosis practices and methods.